How to Add a Gallery

Navigate To  Gallery

1. Login to TheWebConsole

2.  From the left side menu click Gallery and choose Galleries.


Add a Gallery

1. Once the Galleries screen opens you will be given the options to either delete or edit an existing gallery or add a new one. To add a new gallery click the blue Add Gallery button.

Once the Add Gallery screen opens you will be prompted with the below fields:

  • Name - This is a required field, it will be the name of the gallery, note that when adding the gallery to a page the name is displayed as a heading on your website.

  • Description - If you are using a gallery option that allows text description you can add the text here

  • Pop up template - This is the design template you wish your gallery to follow, we recommend using templates under the “Responsive” heading

  • Tags - Much like blog tags, you can use tags to help filter galleries, you can choose from previously created tags or click the “new” button to create a new tag

  • Status - The status will determine if the gallery will show on the website, offline will hide the gallery while online will show it

  • Meta title - This is the title that will appear in the browser tab. It is important to use keywords for both user navigation and Search Engine Optimisation.

  • Meta description - When your page turns up in a Search Engine result, the Meta Description is the text that will appear underneath the result.

  • Password protect page - You will have the option to password protect the gallery

  • Show related galleries - If you have galleries of a related type you can choose to display them along with the gallery in question

  • Images per row - You have the option to choose how many images will display per row, for a standard gallery we recommend 3-4

  • Rows per page - You can also choose how many rows will display on a page, for a standard gallery we recommend upto 10

  • Thumbnail dimensions (width and height) - You can manually configure the gallery to display in your required size, for a standard gallery we recommend keeping the size around 300x300


2. Once you have entered all of the settings click the blue Save Gallery button located at the bottom of the screen.


Add Gallery Images

1. Once the Gallery Images screen you will have the ability to add, remove or reorder imagery for the gallery. To add new images click the blue “Add Images” button.

2. Once the Add Gallery Image screen loads you will have the following options:

  • Image File - Clicking the upload file button will allow you to upload imagery into the gallery, we recommend that imagery is edited to be 1920x1080 at maximum prior to uploading.

  • Title - This is the “Alternative” Text for the image, this is used for SEO, it's recommended to keep it short and to the point, using keywords and your business name wherever possible.

  • Description - If the gallery template you have chosen allows for text to be displayed this is where you will add it.


3. Once you have added your imagery and settings click the blue Save Image button.

Last Modified: 15 December 2022