Contact Management
- Import your contacts from another program
How to import your contacts into your database marketing on your website.
12 August 202230 views0 likes - Add a contact to your database
Part 1: Navigate to Database Marketing 1. Login to TheWebConsole 2. From the top navig...
14 September 202335 views0 likes - Exporting your contacts
Exporting your Database marketing contacts
06 May 202222 views0 likes - Creating a CSV file from Microsoft Excel
Creating a CSV file from a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel is very easy. Most other s...
04 April 20226 views0 likes - Creating a CSV file from Microsoft Access
Creating a CSV file from Microsoft Access (database) is similar to that from Excel, but there are...
04 April 20222 views0 likes - Do I have to limit the amount of contacts in my database?
No. There is no limit on the amount of contacts you can have in your database. You ca...
08 September 20222 views0 likes - How to upload contacts to Database Marketing
Step 1 - Import File Log into The Web Console and go to Database Marketing From the Dashb...
11 May 20227 views0 likes - How To Create Subscription Groups
A Subscription Group is a way to organise and group together your contacts that are similar in so...
27 September 202251 views3 likes - Add / Edit Contact Custom Fields
Navigate to Contact Custom Fields 1. Login to Thewebconsole, from the dashboard click Set...
09 November 202313 views0 likes - Importing a group of contacts
If you wish to import a group of contacts (e.g. from your Outlook address book or GMail account) ...
04 April 202217 views0 likes - Exporting your Contact database
On occasions you may need to export your Contact database. To export your Contact database: ...
04 April 20222 views0 likes - Migrating address fields
To use the new Print Card Campaigns you will have to use the Address field. If you already have a...
09 May 20220 views0 likes - How to create a Contact Filter
Navigate to Contact Filters 1. Login to Thewebconsole, from the dashboard click Settings....
14 September 20234 views0 likes