SMS Marketing

SMS is a very effective customer service and marketing tool however it needs to be treated with the utmost care. It is important to remember you are connecting with someone through a device used for organising their personal life and so you don’t want to be seen as intrusive. Bulk SMS is great for connecting to a large customer base cost effectively. It is also highly effective and has very high open rates.

SMS marketing is the perfect platform for:

  • Reminders - paying bills, event date, appointment confirmation
  • Staff rostering - for efficient management and communication
  • Competitions - if time sensitive or event based
  • Surveys - allows users to rate their experience
  • Alerts - emergencies, cancellation, fault, system crash etc.
  • Notifications - customer notification of an event change or general business communication
  • Personalisation - send a birthday message
  • Special offers - that have a limited time

SMS marketing is used to send promotional messages to your customer database using permission-based text messaging. Customers are usually required to opt in to an automated system by texting an initial shortcode.

To run a successful campaign you need to consider:

  • Segmenting your audience - you don’t want to send irrelevant messages to a customer on their mobile.
  • Timing of your campaign - work out the best time to connect with your database without intruding into their personal life
  • Setting up trigger messages - for automated personalised messages such as a birthday greeting
  • Keeping your messaging short and simple
  • Making links shorter if they are too long
  • Do not spam - have the customers opt-in.

Our SMS marketing software is easy to use, meets Australian spam laws, allows you to receive SMS replies from your contacts and personalize messages to individual customers. For more information on setting up an SMS campaign contact your Client Services Consultant today.

Last Modified: 27 September 2022
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