Managing your website pages

How to Edit an Existing Page

Navigate to Content Pages

1. Login to TheWebConsole

2. From the left side menu click Manage Pages and choose Content Pages.


Find and Edit the Page

1. Completing the steps from Part 1 will load a list of all your website's current pages. From here there are multiple ways to find your page:

  • Manually: The default number of pages that will display on this list is 15, if you do not see the page you wish to edit, simply change the number of pages being shown from 15 to either 30, 60, 100 or 250 by updating the “Per Page” option located on the upper right of the list

  • Automatically: If you have more than 250 pages, or know the part name of the page you wish to edit, you can use the search option located on the upper right of the list, simply type the page name, or portion of the page name into the search and click the eyeglass icon


2. Once you have found the page you wish to edit simply click the Edit button. These are two ways this can be achieved:

  • On the far right of each page are the options “View” and “Edit”, simply click the “Edit” hyperlink to edit the page

  • On the far left of each page is a tick box, ticking this will enable the use of additional buttons found at the top and bottom of the list. Once the page is ticked, simply click the “Edit” button. 


3. Once you have clicked the Edit button the drag and drop page editor will load, this will allow you to adjust the content and settings of the page in question. 


4. Once you have completed the edits you wish to make to the page, simply click the “Save” button located in the bottom right of the side menu.


Note: The drag and drop content modules and optional page settings will be covered in separate KnowledgeBase articles.

Note: Always remember to follow the final point and Save the page itself, or the hard work you have done will not be applied.




Last Modified: 13 June 2024