How To Create / Edit A Blog Tag

Part 1: Navigate To The Tags


1. Login to TheWebConsole

2. From the left side menu click Blog and choose Tags


Part 2: Creating the tag


1. Once the Add Blog Tag option screen loads you will be prompted with the below fields:

  • Tag Name - this is a required field, simply add in the name of the tag, this will display on the front end of your website, eg: Latest News

  • Description - this is an optional field, adding a short description explaining what sort of content the tag references

  • Meta Description - this is an optional field, it should contain no more than 300 characters and briefly cover the description from above, this is used for search engine optimisation

  • Post Listing Template - In most cases this can be left at its default setting. If your site contains a custom post listing template you are able to select it from this drop down.

2. Once you have given your tag a name and description click the blue Save Blog tag button


Part 2: Edit the tag


1. Once the Blog Tag screen loads you will be shown a list of all your existing tags. Click on the Edit hyperlink on the far right of the tag you wish to edit.

2. Once the Add Blog Tag option screen loads you will be prompted with the below fields:

  • Tag Name - this is a required field, simply add in the name of the tag, this will display on the front end of your website, eg: Latest News

  • Description - this is an optional field, adding a short description explaining what sort of content the tag references

  • Meta Description - this is an optional field, it should contain no more than 300 characters and briefly cover the description from above, this is used for search engine optimisation

  • Post Listing Template - In most cases this can be left at its default setting. If your site contains a custom post listing template you are able to select it from this drop down.


3. Once you have given your tag a name and description click the blue Save Blog tag button.

Last Modified: 11 August 2022