Zarbon (6.0.6)

7 September 2022


  • Events - Ability to have due dates for Events - Events invoices now have the due date as the day they booked the tickets
  • Events - Link events to dashboard - front end users can now view a list of events they have signed up for in the MM2 directory
  • Event - Event Registration company - we have introduced Company Name field in event registration checkout process along with Address details
  • Website Editor - Copy Button for Menus - You now have the ability to copy a website menu, helps when you have to change menu items for client approval
  • Website Editor - The Toolbox - Hide option for sections - clients can now set section visibility to be visible in desktop and hidden in mobile and show in hide on desktop and show in mobile.
  • Website Editor - Slider - introducing a before and after slider in website editor
  • Website Editor - Drag and Drop Promo - You can now drag and drop promo boxes in website editor.
  • Website Editor - Ability to have image and text whole box clickable, can now set whole image and text box clickable.
  • Website Editor - You can now have 5 columns in website editor and can drag and drop into.
  • Website Editor - you now the option on the spacer tool to nominate your space on mobile and space on desktop. You can set mobile spacer height in website editor.
  • Website Editor - Mobile view editing function - you can now set the mobile background for section or columns in website editor
  • Website Editor - Google analytics - you can now add GA4 code in website analytics.
  • MM2 - Can filter membership in the backend to show their directory visibility status
  • MM2 - Need to be able to adjust the amounts on a membership type for the specific member, you can now set a custom price in the member to override the price sent in the membership type to allow special pricing.
  • MM2 - Membership Invoice Settings - you can now customise membership invoices by choosing Recipient Name and Category to tag - eg if the company has a billing representative.
  • MM2 - Membership Import Company Custom fields - you can now import membership date grouped by company name
  • MM2 - Directory Tab Name - we can now customise title and description for membership v2 directory.
  • MM2 - You can now edit the company details from the membership screen instead of having to change it in the CRM.
  • Form Builder - you can now choose submission fields in form builder auto responder email
  • KnowledgeBaseAdmin - updated knowledgebase articles on website, CRM and DBM dashboard to pull from new knowledgebase system, new look.
  • System - Added email extension .health in tld for valid email address
  • System - Added email extension .fitness in tld for valid email address
  • System - Template changes for speed improvement - fixed system to load content images in modules like promoboxes or article content to load lazily
  • Testimonials - can now add a link to a website in testimonial tool
  • Apple news - you can now set a publish date for apple news plugin


  • CRM - Allow company dropdown in Custom invoice - client can now select company in custom invoice
  • Event/MM2/Custom Invoice - Ability to select the invoice category for Event/Membership Category or Custom Invoice - Clients can now choose invoice category for invoices and is useful when wanting to feed categories via Zapier into Xero, is set up under billing.
  • MM2 - Database Marketing Company Auto Complete field edit - you can now edit the company details from membership screen
  • MM2 - Copy membership Import - You can now copy a previous membership import which saves having to reselect all the fields in the new import.
  • System - Added Email extension - Allowed .fitness as valid tld for email address.
  • System - Invoice from - You can now customise the from email address for all invoices sent out of the system (default is webconsole)
  • System - In Articles and blogs, a lot of users are not using the SEO tab. we have added a SEO page title warning in article and blog post. This is to hep improve clients results with Google.


  • MM2 - Membership Report Bug - Fixed issue with empty report throwing an error.
  • MM2 - Member search - Fixed bug with Membership directory showing hidden members when search using Custom fields.
  • Website Editor - CMS Page Mobile Padding Issue - Fixed issue with mobile padding for section not working properly in website editor.
  • Website Editor - Exclude GA on backend pages - fixed bug with google analytics triggering page visit when managing page in website editor.
  • Website Editor - fixed issue with Promo Box Linking not loading link dialog correctly
  • System - Database Marketing - Fixed bug with Image uploaded using content editor was saving file name in hash
  • Company - Company Address Import - Clients can now import company with billing and physical address.
  • Event - mobile event checkout not working - Fixed bug with event registration not allowing to book if user has already booked for that event.