Popo (5.5.9)

29 October 2021


Website Editor - Drag and Drop Menu - Clients can now drag and drop menu in website editor.
Website Editor - Banner Clarity - Added 1920 as a new dimension for image in website editor.
Database Marketing - Email Campaign - In the campaign editor if you click a link it opens in the current page and if you have not saved the campaign you may lose any updates you have done. To fix this issue for the clients we have disabled the links in the email editor to avoid accidental clicks without saving the email. If the client wants to view they can right click and open link in new tab.
Database Marketing - Search form in company listing - Clients can now filter company in Database Marketing List
Shop - Clients can now set a custom quote confirmation message in the back-end in shop settings. In Shop >> General Settings >> Confirmation Messages client can now use their custom message to display when the quote is submitted.
Catalog - Http links causing the site to be not secure, we updated the catalog share service to use https link.
Event - Event Captcha - Event registrations now shows captcha to non logged in front user.
Form Builder - Form Builder rules enhancement - Introducing greater than and less than conditions in form builder rules - updated form builder rules to create rules based off of single text or number field. Clients previously were.


Shop - Chinese and Japanese characters able to be used in a shop order - We have fixed the issue with the characters breaking the shop order screen and clients can see the order.
Form Builder - Fixed bug with form-builder automation triggers not triggering for accounts without the CRM
Blog - Search by Author not working in blog posts - sourced and fixed the issue, search now working with Author as the filter
Animated Header - Sorting columns not working in animated header, fixed the issue in the animated header list.
Website Editor - Editor section change speed - we have fixed a bug in the website editor when dragging images, blocks or sections around the page.
Website Editor - Tabs not able to be dropped into Grid - Clients can now drag tabs in grid.
Website Editor - Ck Editor not loading when browser set to French - Fixed bug with the browser language is set to French.
Contact - System - Company filter speed improvement - updated company name text box to load companies quicker.


Payment Gateway - Stripe now allows the clients to save customer information along with the invoice - clients need to set save customer as "yes" in stripe gateway settings.
MM2 - Sub Member search - clients can now search for sub members in the membership area.
Website Editor - Create Grid - We have introduced a grid as a new module in the website editor. Clients can now break sections into multiple columns with grid.