Yamcha (5.5.6)

17 September 2021


Website - Text Editor, Add Video to blog, Ability to embed video or twitter feed with click of one button in text editor, All you need to do is to copy YouTube, Vimeo or Twitter Url and click “Embed”. System will automatically convert that URL to html (if supported). For now, embed plugin doesn't work for Instagram, Facebook and Google maps URLs. You still need to get embed html from respective third party. At the moment, Embed plugin is only available to website or DBM clients.

Website - Text Editor, Link to anchor in text not displaying page anchors - Ability to create anchor points in website editor. Website editor now treats heading module as one of anchor points for clients to link to. Updated buttons module to link to available anchor points in page.


Database Marketing - Email Campaign - Unable to type hex colour in email campaign editor, Fixed bug with typing hex colour in campaign editor.

Membership V2 - Dates not showing in Membership Manager 2, Fixed bug with membership not activating when signup invoice is set to paid.

Payment Gateway - Fixed bug with Verisign client library not able to decode response with new http version.