Monaka (5.5.5)
4 September 2021
- Database Marketing: Email Campaign: Bounce contact - Updated bounce status criteria for email campaign. Previously system used to mark contact as bounced after 3 soft bounces irrespective of time of last bounce. Now System will check if contact email was bounced 3 times in last 180 Days before marking it as bounced.
- Database Marketing:Email Campaign: Delete button inside the bounced recipients - Client can now delete contacts from email campaign recipient list
- Database Marketing: Client can now choose state from drop down while creating a contact filter rule. Previously they had to enter the state manually.
- Database Marketing: Share email campaign on facebook and linked in - Introducing share module in email campaign builder which shares email campaign on facebook, linkedin etc.
- Database Marketing - Event Signup - Client can now setup whether to user can book an event for someone else. Only returning user can see that setting underneath password when they signup for an event. In back-end, registration is recorded against that user.
- Database Marketing: Contacts Export - Client can now search and export contacts who opted for Text or Html emails. There is search field called “Mail Type” in listing to filter results.
- Database Marketing: Make Drag and Drop Box Sticky - Email campaign has now stick left toolbar to ease building longer emails.
- Shop: Long text box for Product reviews - Updated Product review field in shop to show as large text box instead of small box.
- Shop: Shop Captcha Update - Updated shop to show Captcha before placing order on checkout screen.
- Shop - Invoice change + Event sign up change - Clients can now override confirmation messages for shop order. If no message is provided, system will use Default Message set for confirmation.
- Animated Header: Animated Header Index Bug - Clients now manage multiple animated headers
- Text Editor: CK Editor 4 - Upgraded TextEditor to use CKEditor 4, clients can cut and paste from word
- Text Editor: Editor for Blogs - Ability to add responsive grid in Text Editor.
- Text Editor: mdash in editor - Client can now use mdash in text editor
- Promo Box: Not all pages are showing for selection using promo boxes - Updated Promobox specific page assignment screen to show listing table and a autocomplete page picker. Previously form used to show drop down list of 250 Pages Or Articles
- Payment Gateway: Anz E-gate captcha verification - Added captcha in place order screen for bot protection. This will change in future and will show captcha on checkout page screen.
- Payment Gateway - Added Post Code/Zip Code - Updated Stripe payment form zip code field as Zip code/Post Code
- Website Editor - Website Editor and Menu to have rel links - We can now choose rel attributes to apply to menu links and buttons in website editor.
- Website Editor: Add Gallery display settings in page builder - Client can now choose gallery template in website editor gallery module.
- Website Editor: Spacer tool update - Product enhancement - Client can now manually enter spacer height in website editor.
- Website: Sitemap Groups - Client can now customise their website sitemap. They can include or exclude products to show in sitemap
- Website Editor - System - Background images Lazy Loading background images for columns in website editor.
- Website: Gated document pages - Client can now restrict a content page with multiple subscription groups.
- Website: Website Speed - Improving website speed by lazyloading Images, CSS and Javascript
- Website: SSO - Client can now setup Single Signon from backend. System now supports login with facebook or google in frontend.
- System: Added new TLD - .ai is now a valid tld. Contact can be added with email address ending with .ai
- System: Security - Captcha - Updated system to include honey pot field with captcha field.
- System: Email Tags for Registration - Whitelisting tlds. Contact can be added with email address ending with below tlds. .academy, .online, .store, .biz, .tech, .site
- System: Domain Suffix - .software is now a valid tld. Contact can be added with email address ending with .software
- System: Zapier - Framework - Updated TheWebconsole Zapier App to new version
- System: Zapier Quick books Via Zapier - Updated TheWebConsole Zapier app to return detail information in shop order api. Api now returns Product information like name, variant etc. Billing and Shipping Information Order fields.
- System: Zapier - Prefill information in Xero - Introducing event registration search in TheWebConsole Zapier app. Client can now create a zap which can search an event registration with details like tickets, attendees and amount.
- Gallery: Alt tags for gallery - Client can now add alt tags for gallery images. By default system will use image file name as alt tags.
- Event: Event Sign Up - Clients can now restrict registration to require login. Client can set “Login Required for event” to yes flag in backend to enable this feature.
- Article/Blog: CMS - Require additional Field in the Editor - SEO - Client now add schema tags in blogs, articles and content pages.
- Website Editor: Drag and Drop for FAQ - Introducing FAQ module in website editor.
- Website: Speed: Lazy Load - Improved website speed by lazyloading Images, CSS and JS.
- Membership V2: MM Custom Fields - Updated option limit for select and multi-select custom fields in member manager. System now allows 30, previously 15, options to manage.
- Membership V1: Old Membership Export - Client can now export members from old membership tools along with subcontacts.
- Blog: BLOG UPGRADE: Releasing new list and view templates for Blogs.
- Form Builder: The Web Console - Editable AHv2 Sizes - Client can now manage animated header dimension settings. Previously, it was only visible to admin.
- Form Builder: Form Builder Change - Client now choose heading format for “Static” heading element in form-builder form.
- Form Builder: Not all pages are showing for selection on drop down - Updated form-builder settings to show autocomplete field for redirect page links instead of drop down list.
- Form builder: Form Builder Form - Honeypot - Updated Form builder forms to show captcha always on first page.
- Sign up Form: Setup dynamic fields for signup complete url and message - Ability to setup dynamic fields in signup form or complete message Client can now add place holders/ markers in signup success message form which will be replaced with value of signup field. Client can also add placeholders in success url to make url dynamic
- File Manager - Ability to select files in file manager - Clients can now link files from file manager in menu.
- Membership V2: Ability to remove membership sub members - Introducing new trigger in membership manager “When member is deleted”. Client can now update groups or send email when a member is deleted.
- Membership V2: Contacts + Memberships signup - When registering an existing email in membership, system will prompt user for verification before proceeding further.A 4 digit code is sent in email is sent to registering email address. After applying
- Membership V2: Membership Manager V2 Durations - Membership Type and duration now support delete feature. Before deleting, system will check if there are absolutely no members in given type or duration.
- Membership V2: Create Generate Renewal Button in the Backend - Clients can now generate renewal for member from backend.
- Membership V2: Membership Types - Clients can now hide membership duration from front end.
- Membership V2: Membership 2 - Notes - Client can now add notes for members in new membership manager.
- Membership V2: Trigger types - Updated membership trigger templates to show Signup and Renewal invoice place holders in Email template
- Membership V1/V2: Captcha in membership forms - Membership will show captcha on signup forms.
- Membership V2: Member Manager primary contact notification - Clients can now setup trigger when any primary member is updated in membership manager v2
- Membership V2: MMv2 members export - Client can now export members from new membership tools along with subcontacts.
- Membership V2: New Member Manager update membership type for admins - Client can now update membership type of member in backend.
- Membership V2: Trigger updates - Client can setup triggers to run for specific membership type. Client can setup an external email address in email templates “to Address” field.
- Article: Sitemap - Generating New Site Map - Article listing is now available in sitemap format.
- Database Marketing: Create new Template Drag and Drop Articles - Introducing Articles module in email editor. Clients can now choose Articles and style it according to their needs.
- Database Marketing: Article Drag and Drop for Blog and Shop Products - Introducing blog and shop products drag - drop module in email campaign builder.
- Text Editor: Image Caption Box - Clients can add caption to images in text editor.
- Database Marketing: SMS buying campaign credits not working - Fixed issue with buy SMS credit form not providing correct expiry date of credit card.
- Database Marketing: Email Campaigns going out blank (we are not 100% was not user error as we could not replicate) made changes to fix bug with email editor save function
- Database Marketing:Date and time email campaigns are scheduled column - Fixed issue with schedule column not appearing in campaign list
- Database Marketing: Fixed bug with survey export showing blank answers when survey has same questions multiple time.
- Database Marketing: Events - System doesn't recognize events before 10am as the next day - Fixed bug with event scheduler which repeats on Multiple Days. If client creates an event and sets schedule date same as create, it wasn’t allowing users to register in front end. Example: Client creates multi date event on 11 January and schedules to start on 11 January in front-end users were not allowed to registered on 11 Jan.
- Database Marketing: Resent campaigns set to publish - System generated resent campaign will not set as published by default.
- Database Marketing: Contact Company Field - Fixed bug with contacts not able to update their company.
- Database Marketing: Post to twitter email campaign - Introducing RSS Feed for published campaigns for client to connect with zapier. Removed post to twitter from Campaign schedule as API is deprecated.
- Website Editor: Website page editor breaks due to contact groups - Fixed bug with Website editor breaking when client has dbm account with no contact subscription groups.
- Website Editor: Instagram embed code stops save button being pressed - Fixed issue with website editor not saving page when embedding instagram embed code.
- Website Editor: FAQ tool was showing when they have not paid for the tool - Made it only appear when they client has purchased the option
- Website Editor: External link url disappears - Fixed bug with “External” link url disappears when replacing image in website editor.
- Website Editor: Mac - Safari Issue - Fixed bug with website editor not saving in safari due to recent update of lazy load images.
- Website: Fix bug with closed surveys showing up in sitemap - Website sitemap will only include live surveys. Draft and closed surveys are not included.
- Website: Sitemap - Bug with hidden pages and article appearing in sitemap - Fixed issue with hidden pages and un published articles were visible in sitemap.
- Website: Bug with password protected pages not viewable from website editor - Fixed bug with website editor not able to preview password protected pages.
- Accounts: Annual Billing adding additional date - Fixed issue with billing service adding additional day when renews.
- Membership V2: MMv2 Company Bug - Fixed issue with company not updating in membership v2.
- Membership V2: New Membership manager directory sort parameter - Fixed issue with custom-fields details not replacing in list when searching a member in new membership directory.
- Membership V2: Why paid members are landing on the wrong page - Fixed bug with users landing on error page after paying their renewal
- Membership V2: Bug with membership import - Fixed bug with membership import clearing contact custom field values during import if a membership type is setup with multiple contact custom-fields
- System: Form Export Bug - Fixed issue with export files links not downloading file.
- System: Image challanges - Fixed bug with incorrect image showing in frontend due to image cache.
- System: GIF images not displaying correctly when in different size screen - Fixed issue with Gif image losing animation on resizing.
- Shop - Category password doesn't work on category items - Fixed bug with password protected shop category not password protecting products.
- Shop - Additional images URL not included in export shopping products - Fixed bug with shop export not exporting additional image urls
- Shop - Shop email not sending - Fixed issue with shopping cart not able to send email when default currency is set to Singapore Dollars.