Wigglytuff (5.4.8)
8 September 2017
New Feature
- DBM - The ability to add in a Privacy Policy link into the footer of email campaigns
Bug Fixes
- Catalogue - Products added to a Category that is deleted now store themselves in a hidden state for use in another category
- CRM - Resolved a bug hiding the event section in the last column of the CRM Calendar
- CRM - Hide all contacts with registering status from CRM listing
- CRM- Resolved the CRM contact import to not require DBM
- DBM - Resolved the Resend Unopened Email feature sending to all recipients
- DBM - Resolved bug in which imported contacts were added to a future date
- Blog - Logged in users Username's now show on internal blogs for clients using custom displays
- Survey - Resolved Date formatting to match locale date standards
- Invoices - Resolved Invoice status change error causing canceled invoices to set as payed
- Formbuider - Resolved export feature
- Membership Manager - Resolved export feature to include Company name
- Shop - Payment notifications resolved to send when triggered
- Shop - Resolved Shop imports of Variant items and prices
- Shop - Resolved the mail out of multiple digital gift vouchers when ordered
- Shop - Resolved the Limit Use feature of Shop Discount Codes
- Shop - Resolved the product search feature based on keywords
- Shop - Resolved the shop Pricelist feature on checkout
- Payment Gateway - Updated Paypal to use tls 1.2
- CRM - Lead source can now be attached with leads
- Membership Manager - Deleting a contact will now disable membership
- Donation Tool - Email address is now shown in donation table
- Form Builder - Now has the ability to add multiple addresses in Email rules
- Security - Encryption of Contact passwords in DBM
- DBM - Users will now have the ability to be notified when a Contact updates their details.
- Client Filing Manager - Now has the ability to add images to custom field options
- Shop - Company name now appears in the Order listing
- Shop - TNT Shipping method updated to new requirements
- Shop - variant combination now has the ability to manage price's
- Shop - Custom box padding added into shipping methods
- Survey - Users can now export all questions at one time