Rummy Nose (4.47)
11 July 2013
- Events - Days to repeat needs to be required
- Donations - Small fixes to the donation form
- User Settings spelling mistake
- Website Settings - The clients fax number from Settings is not displaying in the footer
- Donations - If no donation causes are setup then there is an error in the email notifications
- DBM - List of failed tests when doing a spam check on an email is not correct
- SMS Campaigns - Help toolbar covers SMS body covering what you are typing
- Catalogue - Changing the sort order of categories breaks the showif of custom fields in items
- Seller area QR code statistics not working
- CRM - Future activities are not appearing in the Activity List
- knowledgebase - Embed video code being stripped out
- Events - If an error or message is triggered in the first step then the date drop down breaks
- Payment Gateways - FIx bug with eWay module
- Blog commenting not sending notification email
- Contacts - Date field is not working in Filters
- Manage Pages - Linking on a page make the linking editor break
- Donations - Invoice State and Country display incorrect
- Donations - Fix the invoice number which is displayed in the back end
- Manage Pages - CK editor linking showing deleted pages
- Membership Manager - When adding members in back end
- CRM - Fix bug with sending email campaigns using Date Type Custom Fields as filters
- Remove the Email Groups functionality from /web/form-builder/form
- Survey - Skip Logic not working correctly
- Catalogue - Catalogue Category ticking custom fields does not retain after saving.
- CKeditor not showing DBM files when linking
- Client Details - Unable to delete Street Address
- Events - DBM only accounts Event starting time shows 10 hours ahead on front end
- Bug in error log - parse_url
- Cache - Fix bug with caching on Armstrong profile pages
- Data Entry Product release for beta testing.
- Data Entry - Add/Edit Data Entry Products
- Data Entry - Update Quote/Order page
- Data Entry - Delegate to Head Office
- Data Entry - Minimum Cost
- Data Entry - Quote/Order Email
- Restriction on cancelling not-paid invoices.
- Articles - Zend the listing and view scripts
- Blog - Add a preview link to the blog software
- Gallery - Default lightview templates are not being applied to galleries set to inherit default settings
- Gallery - Image sort order is broken when dragging images to be uploaded
- Gallery - Small improvements in Settings area for galleries
- Gallery - Update styles for pagination and image spacing
- Survey - Default template looks broken