> Support > Database Marketing > Settings > URL Redirects

URL Redirects

URL redirects are a way of redirecting visitors from a certain URL to a different one. This is primarily used to tell Search Engines what the new name of a page is so you don’t lose your position in the search engines for an already well-ranked page.

There are three commonly used redirects:

  • 301 - "moved permanently" 
  • 302 - "found" or "moved temporarily" 
  • Meta Refresh

In this article we will focus on 301 redirects, which are recommended for SEO purposes. 301 redirects pass between 90-99% of link equity (ranking power) to the redirected page, which is why it is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.

To permanently redirect from an old page name to a new one:

  1. Navigate to “Settings” in the top menu of thewebconsole, and then to “URL redirector” within the “Website Settings” submenu.
  2. Click on the “Add New URL Redirection” button.
  3. Type in the name of the old page name in the “Redirect from” section (only place the page name, not the entire URL).
  4. Start typing in the page name on the website in the Page Link box in the “Redirect to” section and the system will show you pages matching what you have typed. Click on the page you want to redirect to and click on “Save Redirect”.

To permanently redirect a a domain name to a page on your website:

  1. Navigate to “Settings” in the top menu of The Webconsole, and then to “URL redirector” within the “Website Settings” submenu.
  2. Click on the “Add new URL redirection” button.
  3. Click on “Domain Alias” in the “Redirect from” section, and select the domain you have already added as an alias to your website. [link to aliases]
  4. Start typing in the page name on the website in the Page Link box in the “Redirect to” section and the system will show you pages matching what you have typed. Click on the page you want to redirect to and click on “Save Redirect”.

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