> Support > Website Add On Tools > Membership Manager > Creating a Membership Type in the Membership Manager

Creating a Membership Type in the Membership Manager

To begin accepting Memberships online, you need to create a Membership Type.

To Create a Membership Type:

  1. Click on Settings in the top right hand corner of thewebconsole screen.
  2. Click on Membership Manager underneath the Account Settings heading, then click on Member Types.
  3. Click Add Type.
  4. Give the Membership Type a Name. Most people choose conventions like "Gold" and "Silver" memberships, however you will know the best names to give your Membership Types.
  5. Choose whether or not you will allow Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Renewals. If you choose Yes for any of these, you need to indicate the Initial Cost and Renewal Cost.
  6. Choose which Subscription Group you want to link the Membership Type to by selecting from the Link to Membership Subscription Group drop down field. The Membership Manager is fully integrated with this Subscription Group, which means when someone is removed from the Membership Type, they will also be removed from the Subscription Group that you choose here.
  7. Select any additional Subscription Groups you'd like to add your contacts to by selecting the check boxes in the Automatic Group Subscriptions field. Unlike the field above, the Subscription Groups will not be fully integrated with your Membership Manager, so a contact will be added to these groups when they become a member, but will not be removed from the groups when they are no longer a member.
  8. If you set Allow Additional Contacts to Yes, this will allow there to be multiple contacts attached to one Membership, a little like a Medicare card, or joint bank account. Set the maximum number of contacts that can be attached to a membership by typing a number into the Maximum Addition field.
  9. In the Description field, you type in the description of this Membership Type. Be as informative as possible here, and don't forget that you can format the text here too. 
  10. Set the Visible On Website field to Yes if you want people to be able to subscribe to this Membership. If you want to temporarily disable this Membership Type, change this field to No. It won't be visible on your website anymore, preventing people from choosing it.
  11. Select whether or not you want to Show Address Fields In Signup.
  12. Choose your preferred Recurring Payment Option:
    • Manual Payment on Invoice: This setting will automatically send a reminder notice to your members approximately one month before their current membership expires with a link to renew.
    • Automatic (Payflow Pro Gateway Only): If you are using Payflow Pro as your payment gateway you can automatically have your Member's credit cards debited for their renewal fee. This option will only appear if you have set up Payflow Pro as a Payment Gateway Option.
    • Automatic Optional (Payflow Pro Gateway Only) If you are using Payflow Pro as your payment gateway you can give you member the option of automatically debiting their membership renewal from their Credit Card. This option will only appear if you have set up Payflow Pro as a Payment Gateway Option.
  13. Click Save.

You have now created a new Membership type and people will be able to sign up for this membership. To edit the details on the signup form, click Edit next to the Membership Type and follow the steps in Changing your Membership Manager Signup Form.

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