Promo Boxes

It's essential that all your clients use promo boxes. They should be included in every sale you make.  

Promo Boxes are an essential tool for getting prospects to take action on websites. They can be used to strategically drive traffic through the sales process, promote points of difference and run online promotions.

Here's a guide to help you determine what style of boxes the client requires:

Download guide here

The Promo Areas tool is an add-on tool that is able to be purchased by clients to add extra functionality to the Third Generation Website.

The key objectives of the Promo Areas tool, are to:

  • Allow a larger amount of control over the templated portion of your website
  • Be targeted and specific with the content that you display, in order to persuade website visitors to take that next step.
  • Design content that compliments the information that is being displayed on the website. Ie, if reading an article about how to choose shoes that wont hurt your feet, you could promote or display relevant information in a promo box to assist in website conversions.
Last Modified: 11 August 2022
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