Learning through The Web Playground

What is The Web Playground?

Initially, you may find it a challenge to understand and learn about all the features of the products that we offer. For this reason, and to help you when explaining the product features to possible new clients, we have created a website called The Web Playground (thewebplayground.com.au). This website is setup so that each franchisee can access it through their Administration System.

Using The Web Playground

We recommend that you browse through all the products on The Web Playground so you can get an understanding of how they work, their features and how they can be applied to business. We typically find that people learn quicker and better from doing rather than listening, so if you want to know if a product has a certain feature, check out this website before you call HQ.

The Web Playground is also a great sales tool. You can use it to show potential clients through the different products and explain how they can use them in their own business. Giving on-the-spot demonstrations like this makes you look professional and will help you stand out from your competitors.

You have access to the back end of The Web Playground so you have the freedom to make changes to the site. The system is used by all franchisees, so make sure you use it appropriately and keep in mind that it is possible for two people to be using it at once. The Web playground is restored to its original state every night so no changes are saved.

Last Modified: 04 April 2022
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