Creating Shop Discounts

What is a discount.

The shopping cart system allows you to give discounts/gift vouchers to clients to reduce the amount they will pay for a single item, or all items in their shopping cart. This can either be a percentage or a fixed value, and can be used either an unlimited or limited amount of times.

Examples of its use include:

  • Sending a discount to every new person who get added to your database ($10 off your first purchase)
  • Discounts for sales (eg: 20% off everything)

Creating a Discount

To create a discount code:

  1. Click on "Discounts" within the "Shop Settings" area of thewebconsole.
  2. Click on "Add a New Discount", and fill in the following fields:
    • Code - the actual code clients will enter into the system when making an order.
    • Discount Amounts - The percentage or fixed value that will be taken off the product they purchase.
    • Short Description - For your records.
    • Available From- When the Discount can start being used.
    • Expiring On - When the code expires.
    • Limit number of uses - You can place the number of times the code may be used here. Eg: 2
  3. Click on the "Submit" button to Save.

Last Modified: 08 September 2022
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