Creating a New Testimonial

Testimonials are a great way to help you get prospective customers over the line. When you get the Testimonial Manager page, we'll create a dedicated page that will display your testimonials as you add them. If you cannot find this page, please contact us immediately.

To Create a New Testimonial:

  1. Click on the Testimonials tab when you are logged in to your website account
  2. Click on the Add a Testimonial tab or Add Testimonial button. Both will take you through to the Add Testimonial screen, below
  3. On the Add Testimonial screen, you will note have the following options:
    • Testimonial - The actual testimonial you are adding to the website (note this field is required).
    • Name - The name of the person giving the testimonial (note this field is required).
    • Position - Their position/job title to be shown in the testimonials listing.
    • Company - Their company to be shown in the testimonials listing.
    • Character Limit - You can choose to crop testimonials, so that only a snippet is shown and the visitor has to click Read More to see the full testimonial.
    • Show Date - You can show the date of your testimonial. Note, if showing the date, you will get best results if you add frequent testimonials. Visitors seeing a date from two years ago may be deterred by this.
    • Image - You can select an image, photo, brand logo to be displayed alongside your testimonial.
  4. Select Go back to testimonial list
  5. Click Save Testimonial

This Testimonial will now appear on your dedicated testimonials page. For information on how to manage your existing Testimonials, follow the help article Managing Existing Testimonials. For information on how to change your Testimonials settings, follow the help article Testimonials Settings.

Last Modified: 11 May 2022
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