Changing your Blog Commenting Settings and Moderators

Your Blog tool allows visitors to comment on your posts either as contacts from your database marketing account, or using their Facebook account. You select the method you prefer, and then moderate the comments based on your requirements.

Select your commenting method:

  1. Click on the Blog menu item within the website section of The Webconsole, and click on the Settings menu.
  2. In the Commenting field, you can choose to:
    • No Commenting - Disable commenting completely by selecting "No Commenting".
    • On-site Commenting - Allow contacts in your database to comment.
    • Facebook Commenting - Facebook commenting will add any comments users make into their personal Facebook page, allowing their friends to see the comment.

Facebook Commenting

Setting up Facebook Commenting:

  1. Click on "Manage Facebook Settings". This is where you will add the administrators who will manage the Facebook commenting on your Blog. A Facebook ID is the name in the URL of your Facebook page. For instance, if your page's URL is...
    •, your facebook id is “firstname.lastname”, or
    •, your facebook id is “683867531
    • If you wish to have many administrators, change “Additional Facebook Administrators” to "Yes". Repeat the process of logging in to their Facebook accounts, getting their ID, and pasting that ID into the Facebook Administrator IDs field, separating each with a comma only (no space). Note: It may take several days for your ID to be recognised as an administrator due to Facebook's caching.
    • When you have finished adding all your Administrators, click Save.
  2. Number of Posts - This is essentially the number of Facebook comments that can be made about a Blog post.
  3. Width - This is the width of the commenting area, which should be the same width as the Blog itself to achieve the best appearance.
  4. Colour Scheme - of the commenting area. You can choose between Light and Dark.
  5. Click "Save Blog Settings".


To moderate the comments on a post using Facebook:

  1. Navigate to the Blog post on your website.
  2. In the Facebook comments section at the bottom of the Blog post, click on the link “Moderator Settings”.
  3. You can then select comments and hide them.

Setting Up On-site Commenting

If you have selected “On-site Commenting”, you will have the ability to change the following settings:

  1. Moderate Comments - If set to “Yes”, comments will have to be approved before being displayed.
  2. Email Notifications - If set to “Yes”, you will be emailed every time a comment is made on your Blog.
  3. Register to Comment - If set to “Yes”, users will need to add themselves to your contact database before they can comment. If set to “No”, anyone will be allowed to anonymously comment.

To moderate comments if “Moderate Comments” is set to “Yes”:

  1. Navigate to your Blog post, and click on “Edit”.
  2. Click on the tab “Comments”.
  3. You can now select and remove comments.

Moderating Comments on your Blog Posts

You can moderate the comments made on your blog posts if you have been made a moderator. If you haven't, follow the steps in the support article Changing Your Blog Commenting Settings and Moderators

To moderate your blog comments:

  1. Login to your Facebook account. If you have multiple Facebook accounts, ensure you are logging in using the one that has been used to create your moderator account
  2. In a new window or tab, open your Blog
  3. Click on Comments down the bottom of the Blog post with the comment you wish to moderate
  4. Click on Moderator View
  5. In this view, you'll see a list of all the comments made on this post. To moderate them, click on Moderate and select an option from the drop down menu
    • Hide Comment: The comment will be hidden from everyone except the user's Facebook friends
    • Ban User: The user's comments, both current and future, will only be visible by the user's Facebook friends
    • Boost Comment: The comment will be moved to the top of the comments list
  6. Click on Public Comments to see how your Blog comments will appear to anyone who is not a moderator
Last Modified: 11 August 2022
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