Website Management Tab

How to Create a New Page

Navigate to Content Pages

1. Login to TheWebConsole

2. From the left side menu click Manage Pages and choose Content Pages


Add A Page

1. Once you have navigated to the Content Page screen click the “Add Page” button, this will open a drop down of your websites templates. Select either TemplateFullWidtth, or just default.


Create The Page

  1. The website editor will load and your next step will be to give your page a few key details, to do this you will click on the settings tab at the top of your editor tools window on the left of your screen, here you will find the following:
    • Page Name: This is the name of the page that will appear in your website's menus and in the page URL. This should be short, relevant and only contain letters and numbers. Note: This is a required field
    • Page Title: This is the title that will appear in the browser tab. It is important to fill in with your page keywords for both user navigation and Search Engine Optimisation. Note: This is a required field.
    • Meta Keywords: Type in the keywords you want this page optimised for, separated by a comma. These are the words or phrases people doing a Google or other Search Engine enquire for. For example, if you do tax returns, these keywords might be "Tax Returns", "Financial Year". This field is mostly ignored by search engines now so it is best to concentrate on including these keywords in titles, meta descriptions, alt tags and your content in general.
    • Meta Description: When your page turns up in a Search Engine result, the Meta Description is the text that will appear underneath the result. Have it say something like, "We do Tax Returns for personal, business and sole traders in the Brisbane area. Contact us today to get your Tax Return done."
    • Password Protect Page: Chose if you would like to restrict access to this page to certain Database Marketing users.
    • Page Template: You may have multiple different website page templates available. Choose the template you wish to use here. If you only have one template available, you will need to choose Default Template.
    • Show Advanced Options: Click to display the following advanced options
      • Folder: Select or create a folder you would like to place this page in.
      • Create a publish date for this page: You may only want your page visible for a set period of time. If that is the case, choose "Yes" here and then set the Start Date and End Date for the visibility period.
      • Add This Page to the Footer Menu: The Footer Menu is the menu down the bottom of your website. This menu should be reserved for important pages, so have a think about whether you want this page to appear here as well.
      • Make This Page Hidden: Choose whether the page is actually visible on your website or not.
      • Deleteable: Choose whether or not it's possible to delete this page.
      • Title changeable: Choose whether or not it's possible to change this page's title.
  2. Click the Save Button located on the bottom left of the side menu.

Note: The drag and drop content modules and optional page settings will be covered in separate KnowledgeBase articles.



Last Modified: 12 June 2024