Snorlax (5.4.3)
8 November 2016
New Feature
- Payment Gateway - Integration of AfterPay Payment gateway
- Contact - Add support of tld .email in valid host name
- Image and File Manager - When adding image / PDF it doesn't let you open in new window resolved
- DBM Set Live - Fix error that happens when setting DBM account live
- Content Page - image button freeze resolved
- Event Manager - discount name is only usable once and in one event only
- Catalog - Allow filter in catalog item search
- Content Pages- Rebuild document page when folder deleted.
- Export - Notifications added
- Event manager - events not showing up for next year resovled
- Event Manager - Invoice link in event confirmation updated
- Shop - quote emails spam challenge resolved
- Website Grader - google page rank now displaying
- Email Campaign - buttons center justify now working
- Other - sync with updated
- Site Search - Make search exception for website to allow searching on min 3 characters
- Email Campaign - editor more enhancement and bug fixes
- Membership Manager - Check account status before sending membership renewal emails
- Crm calendar date issue
- Podcast - Podcast support in IOS
- Faq breaks page entity building
- Front End - Website speed up
- Shop - Make gift voucher email templatable
- Catalog - Meta keywords and title in catalg import
- Catalog - Show seo fields and customfields in listing table