Faraday (4.3.6)
5 June 2012
- Fixed bug with new knowledgebase answers not having a html area for the description field
- Changed the colour of the hidden and visible tags in the blog post listing view and also added a view link
- Made the password protection much more efficient
- Changed the default postcode field in the real-estate search to have the value Postcode instead of postcode
- Added some additional currency support
- Fixed a bug with the slideshow images not saving the links
- Fixed bug with Paymate gateway not sending through the billing address instead of the shipping address
- Fixed bug with not caching templates
- Added validation for admanager links
- Added notes field to shop order
- Added a membership import functionality
- Fixed issues in the new promo boxes
- Fixed issues in the new admanager
- Fixed issue with image slideshow not being compabtible with other javascript on the page
- Fixed bug with slideshow main page caching the same result for each client
- Fixed a bug with the duplicate page error not showing for the form builder
- Fixed a bug with the template replace functionality for real estate not being able to show inspection details in the listing view
- Changed the wording in the shopping cart info to be 0 products instead of empty
- Fixed bug with the editing page for memberships
- Added a default text into the Membership manager renewal notice email
- Added extra validation for questionnaires
- Added the ability to maintain aspect image apect ratio for adamanger
- Upgrades and fixes to the new gallery product
- Upgrades and fixes to the new knowledgebase product
- Fixed a bug with the affiliates link code in the frontend not replacing the affiliate_id
- Fixed bug with replacing fields in the membership manager email
- Added seo fields including title, keywords, and description to the classifieds add listing script.
- Added the enabled field to the listing view for classifieds
- Changed the default rss feed to be compatible with standards
- Added a logout script for the membership area
- Added the Star Track shipping method